Thursday, June 12, 2008

postscript: welcome to the solar system (snerk)

the big news of the day is the assignment of a new name for pluto, the little planet that wasn't.

it is now called a plutoid.

whoa what a big surprise. i so did not see that coming. where'd they get that name?

i wonder how baddie's post tipped the vote in favor of the "promotion". me sez if pluto had enough bollocks he'd have spat on their faces. hahahahahahaha.

in other news, some photos from the set of the new harry potter movie have been circulating the internet for several months already. but this latest one has all the fangirls squeeing in delight: a hug between harry and ginny. wooohoo. though we know what'll happen with those two in the future, it's still a great kilig moment. sigh. they looked soooo cute.

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