Sunday, July 22, 2007

thunder only happens when it's raining

i was so running late. i looked through my closet, and couldn't find a single good dress or skirt to wear. finally i remember that i have this sleeveless green top -- definitely a notch up from my usual work duds -- which i paired with black pants when i attended a wedding. both were pressed and ready, and casual enough for the occasion. the place was in shambles from the hurricane that was me getting dressed, clothes strewn haphazardly across the bed and on the floor. my mind was so messed up with putting on the final touches and picking up everything i needed.

suddenly, out of the blue, he appeared. i don't know if he got impatient, or was just plain anxious, or if he just couldn't wait to see me. but he was there, right in front of me, and my heart skipped a beat. he cleaned up really nice. it was the first time i saw him fix up his hair, and i couldn't resist teasing him about it.

it seemed like only seconds, but we must have talked for several minutes before we realized that we had to go. i didn't know where exactly we were going, or what was in store for us, but when he took my hand i knew i made the right choice. we made the right choice. i lead him back to the stairs and out into the world where everything seemed to go our way.

then i opened my eyes, and i knew it was all just wishful thinking.

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