Monday, April 21, 2008

whine, whine, whine

it's hot out. it's cold in here. i have fever, my frap is melting.

so instead of going home right away since i first felt this weird temperature disparity, i chose to stay. when i badly needed sleep. and with no ready cash. but a few weeks ago, i decided to go home in the midst of a really freaking hot summer afternoon (it was after one pm, go figure) having the same symptoms and i wasn't happy at all. so i decided to try the other way for now, and waited for the free ride home. (because luckily, today, i get a free ride home.).

i should have just stayed home and not spent as much money. too late for that. and to think the initial reason i took a sick day (originally a half-day, but circs have a way of going awry) is no longer itching to make its presence known. it lends credence to the popular school of thought that illness is largely psychological. just when the theory that the little buggers were living the high life in my epidermis has been dashed, once and for all, it's like i'm reborn. but i could have done without the flames from fawkes, thank you.

ok, i've spent two hours sitting like a good lamb in this sofa chair, no complaints. no highlights, either. just some good 'zine fodder and fern's latest teddy chapter. i have at least an hour left to go before i'm saved. ohhhhhh brother.

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