Sunday, October 5, 2008

take me dancing

so, it isn't my intention to chronicle every-frickin'-day of my last fifteen days as a twentysomething. it just happened that i'm feeling a bit better than i have since five days ago, and i have a little time on my hands, and i'm holding off the season 1 finale of how i met your mother. and i suddenly saw these:

a large part of my twentysomething years is spent with one ear glued to the radio and the dial pointing at 103.5. if my high school had LS, and the cool college kids (ahem) was listening to NU in the wee hours, my soundtrack for the MBA years was klite. it started one morning, my first month at school and consequently first month living alone for the first time evah! and i was dial-surfing. i couldn't quite catch magic, and i was annoyed with chico and delamar (still am, actually) and i happened on this radio station at the other end of the dial where the music is just right down my alley and the djs were just the right amount of witty. thus began my 5-year love story with klite 1035.

...five years? but the story started six years ago!?!

sadly, kids, every love story has to end sometime. and no matter what the books say, it always ends in death. november 2006, i was astounded to hear vito (my favorite dj of all time) make the announcement that the morning brew was signing off for the second time (looooong story). after eleven years, the station itself was closing down and being made over. though the loyal army of listeners probably isn't half as many as those rushers, we were a pretty decent lot, and we were... loyal. and i think i speak for everyone by saying no other station was ever like klite. like, no one else had that eclectic mix of rock and not-quite-pop spanning even as far back as the 70s (or 60s, if you count the doors). i still miss the feeling of hearing maroon 5 (before they got teenage-girls-popular) right next to hall and oates and sting. damn.

klite would have celebrated its thirteenth anniversary two (or three? i forget now) days after my birthday. i kinda regret now not taking the 10th anniversary tickets my friend offered me for my birthday three years ago (there were guilt-inducing circumstances) and if i had a chance i'd really love a similar music- and booze-filled night this year. except that i'm not very aware of any such similar circumstances at this time. anybody got any ideas? and tickets will be much appreciated ;)

oooh, btw, i actually attended a klite anniversary bash four years ago and i told the story here.


Anonymous said...

In the same way you grew up with K-Lite, I grew up with RX 93.1. ;P Though back in grade school, in my case.

Knew all the Jocks, was part of that Yahoo!group back when they were uso, memorized the sched and all. I was a little radio geek!

So though you don't like Chico & Delle, and I did (still do), I can totally relate to you. =D

undercrisis said...

hey, knowing the jocks is way cool! high five! but the question is, how many contests have you won?

oh, and maybe i should admit that i don't totally hate chico and delle, i just prefer them in small doses. my favorite, though, is tome alvarez. probably because he was dr love. heh.