so that took three years. i had a friend who was dragging her master's thesis and we all kept pestering her to finish it. eventually she did. i really know how she feels.
i have just submitted my mba paper last night. i don't think it's really sunk in yet that i am finally free. some of the 50-random-things-to-do-after-strama were popping up in my head last night, but i can't really grasp them. i do know that one i'll be doing pretty soon is visit my friend who just gave birth, and probably another is get a whole lot of sleep. because i now have the mother of all headaches, and not involving alcohol in it only made it marginally better. i also have a crick in my neck that is just pain.
though i've been already warned of an impending outing with classmates. out of town, with planes and accomodations involved. one of the things i missed out on while i was doing my penance from hell. and now i'm doing it. yay.
so, actually i'm not completely free of grad school yet, defense is still in the horizon. and it's the one thing that really scared me shitless in my last semesters attending class (which was already three years ago). and it's probably the underlying reason why i never got to this point much much earlier. i'll probably get the nerves again when i finalize my schedule, but right now, i just can't care less.
wangsting temporarily banned from my life. the world is just an intriguing shade of pink for me right now. and for now i can say with utter conviction: THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY.
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