i've taken the next few days off, which are the last few days of the year here in my part of the world. the 30th and 31st are official holidays, and since the 29th falls on a saturday, this means there are three days left for the year. yay. it just so happens that i have 3 days' leave left for this year.
i've not been expecting too much for this christmas, hence i wasn't disappointed with it like i felt the last few years. my goddaughters liked the presents i gave them, thankfully. and the family gatherings were all happy. i even got to take some naps, which i chose over internet time because sleep was a rare luxury in the last few days. i also got to watch mythbusters with my cousins, and we were laughing at the holiday-themed shenanigans of jamie, adam, tori, grant andkari. and then, to really make my day, i finally got to read my christmas present from alohachary1851. all those days i chatted with her while i'm at work lead to that very cute charlie/tonks story, an outtake on her mating of the wersh alternate universe. thanks for a lovely gift, chary!
my biggest achievement for this christmas, though, is completing the nine novena dawn masses, called simbang gabi, for the first time in my life. i have to thank my parents for that, too, for waking me up at an ungodly hour to make the 4 am mass. i didn't care that i seriously lacked sleep over the week this went on, and that i wasn't being my best self in the mornings. i finally finished it, and before i turn 30.
oh, and i think chocolate is the sole reason for holiday weight gain. especially if chocolate fountains are involved.
merry christmas to all!
listening to: punk goes 90's; radiohead, in rainbows; dashboard confessional, the shade of poison trees; foo fighters, echoes, silence, patience, & grace
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