once upon a time...there was once a woman who had given up on love. she came to a point where she believed that she'll never find that one person for her, if he had even existed. then she realized that the one person she had counted on for so long was THE ONE. a wedding ceremony and a honeymoon trip later, she was well on her way to her happily ever after.
this is not my story though. as far as i know, it only existed between the pages of the sort of fiction i usually indulged in.
now, there was this girl who was rapidly losing faith that anything romantic will ever happen in her life, yet still holds that secret wish deep within her heart. sometimes it does show up on her sleeve. but love still did not come, however long she waited. then one day it came knocking, in the guise of someone totally unexpected -- but of course, totally acceptable to her tastes, he should be at least pleasant to look at -- and they went into the sunset together.
still not me. but how i wish it would be.
finally, there was a young woman who was so immature that she still was a girl, and is so hopeless that she resorts to reading countless romance paperbacks and dreaming of happy endings to fill up the empty spaces. how she went from being a promising achiever to a laidback, uninspired, and dull slacker is hard to comprehend, but it happened, and whatever lesson she needed to learn, i just wish she'd learn it soon, because she can't put her life at a standstill forever. or she might, and never know just how magnificent the rewards can be if only she worked to get them. maybe then, she'll find the love she'd been waiting for all her life.
the end. for now.
1 comment:
1. frantic left...
Friday, 17 November 2006 12:21 pm
...and there was this young woman who is so hard on herself that she forgot that she is a very talented, smart and beautiful person. she also didn't realize that love will come in its proper time. and when it comes, she would then realize that life is not that bad at all. all it takes is a just a little bit of faith and a lot of patience.
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