i had only one thing in mind coming out of the office that afternoon: get those damn radiohead cds. and i did.so, finally i have a radiohead collection! i actually bought all three cds last friday. heheheh. and the weird thing is, i haven't even listened to all of them... i didn't even finish ok computer... gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
i love gadgets. i've owned my fair share, from mobile phones to discman to palm pda to laptop. even if i can't afford to buy everything i wanted, i still keep pretty updated. it helps to be friends with i.t. people and when your seatmate at work has a cellphone business.
the problem with losing your mobile phone is that it forces you to choose among all the different kinds available in the market today. ultimately i really wanted a blackberry, ever since i noticed its steady improvement from mere organizer to mobile email device, though it's running behind on the aesthetic aspect. however, wanting a blackberry might point you in the direction of the smartphones, with the pda plus camera plus music player. and these phones don't come cheap. i'm thinking p990, but it hasn't come out yet. w950i would also be great, but it doesn't seem to be worth spending that much money on it and get no camera. i mean, if you're thinking of spending a whole lot, better get all that stuff in.
on the other hand, i'm thinking of getting a simpler phone as a stop-gap. the whole point is having a mobile phone with little clutter, just the basic call and text (and maybe gprs for when you get bored) in color display. without the color, i would have just gone back to my trusty 6-yr-old nokia 3210, except that it's like having a brick in your bag. i almost bought the motorola l6 when my cellphone-dealing officemate took me with her to her supplier, and she got the pink one for herself. it was so cute! and so light! and it has cool games!
but the thing is, if i had gotten that stop-gap phone i would still have wanted the pda phone thing, and it would have been an additional expense with little use. i still have that company-issued mobile for the basic functions (i was soooo lucky i had it because i would have been incommunicado for the last 2 weeks). so what's stopping me from getting the pda thing? well, aside from the usual budget restrictions (my money is planned down to the last centavo until september next year), there's the confusion on what model to get. as i said, p990 is the frontrunner but i'm trying to look for other suitable contenders. besides, it appears that the p990 radio will not function with a bluetooth headset and it's so important for security reasons. though why i keep harping on the music functions when i'm planning to get an ipod video anyway (with matching ituner)... i'm just really mixed up i guess.
here's where you come in. i really need your thoughts on this. should i get the stop-gap phone, and which model? the blackberry, though it doesn't have a radio and it looks too formal? the p990 or some other pda phone, like the motorola q? should i go for a phone with video call functionality? should i disregard the radio because of the ipod i'm planning to get? or should i discard the ipod in favor of the sony walkman functionality? so many choices, so little money. and to think they'll all be obsolete in three years' time.
song of the week: marty casey, everlong (from rock star: inxs)
1. frantic left...
Tuesday, 22 August 2006 1:14 pm
one disadvantage of an all-in-one gadget is that when one feature konks, you'll end up throwing the brick altogether. for me, it's still best to get em separately. for commu, i have my trusty old 6170 (call+text+mms); for photo, i have a canon as75 (never did like the quality of cell photos); for music, iPod 30GB (more than enough to handle my music library, not to mention impt office files).. blackberry? and be hounded by my boss' emails? nah, at least i can still claim am low batt.
2. drei left...
Wednesday, 23 August 2006 4:23 pm :: http://manofmars.blog-city.com
wowowow i so envy you! the bends pa rin the best album nila! are you buying the solo album too? :)
wow i suppose you buy T3 every month. kasi i do. hehe. ngayon my dream phone is the razor v3x or benq ef81. slim, sexy, 3g phones kasi. :)
3. emmerdale left...
Friday, 25 August 2006 11:37 pm
jason, i also have the 6170! it's my office phone. i like it too... especially since it doesn't have a special exclusive pc-backup program, unlike 6600 ;)
so far i've not been asked to be connected to the company intranet, so no prob about receiving unwanted office email... besides my boss rarely contacts me, she's so busy taking care of other people heheheh. and the one thing i've always wanted is to check my web email while at work, or even anywhere, even while watching tv at home. unlike you guys, i don't have internet in my work pc, the shared internet pc at the office has an antique mouse... in other words, the whole setup just sucks.
drei, fortunately for me my cellphone-pusher officemate has her own subscription to speed, and one of the guys in IT buys t3, so they got it covered ;) btw cellphone dealer sold her v3x because it doesn't receive mms, or it does but erroneously, i dunno. maybe the problem is about mms configuration. anyway, just check it out. i might not be getting the solo album, i'll just wait for the mp3s floating out there. hehehe.
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