Friday, June 10, 2005

the stars and the signs

the castle meets the big top (and a carful of clowns)

my friendster horoscope for today:

Today's Forecast

You're the ringleader, so round up the lion-tamer, the carful of clowns and the randoms in the spangled suits, and get this circus under way. Think big under your own personal big top.

The Bottom Line

You've got high hopes, and that's what counts. Examine how to make those big plans come to fruition.

In Detail

Go ahead and build some castles in the air. With the way things are going, those castles will have
solid foundations and a bed in every tower before long. The stars give you the thumbs-up on any long term plans you are brewing up in that head of yours right now, so don't be afraid to dream -- and dream big. Why stop at a few turrets on your castle? Why not add a three-barge moat and some errant knights riding around the place?

horoscopes are not the end-all and be-all of my usually uneventful life. but i love reading them and coming up with stuff that match what they tell. this one is singularly good (and funny). i wonder how my day matches up to the promise? don't think i'll consciously take on the role of ringleader, though i feel i usually do.

... i especially loved the phrase "carful of clowns". makes me think of a brightly painted vwbug (aka kotseng kuba). philosophically speaking, aren't we all clowns in this life?

damn i'm so goofy today, i forgot to include this joint horoscope with a friend of mine:

In this world, things evolve or they become obsolete, and that goes double for relationships. So if it seems like your friendship is changing shape in ways both obvious and not-so-obvious, don't freak out. Most importantly, don't try to pretend that those changes aren't occurring -- there's nothing more damaging than living in the past. Take a moment to see the situation as it really is, unclouded by your emotions, hopes and fears. Things usually change for the better -- when you let them. Remember that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. nicole left...
Saturday, 11 June 2005 1:41 am
lol hi em i can't help but laugh at the mental picture i'm having (regarding the carful of clowns) trading mp3s is a great idea :) i just have to figure it out.

take care and have a good weekend! nicole