Friday, March 4, 2005

i'll bleed for you

i think i'm in one of those moods again. you know. my playlist for today consists of six songs from urbandub's influence. actually, it was a fluke because as i was constructing my playlist i was never able to save the tracks and the playlist keeps defaulting for some reason.

so, i'm in the middle of my urbandub phase. i had just copied the lyrics of my favorite urbandub song onto a piece of my elmo post-it. that was because i couldn't find a decent stationery pad (i didn't have my "x" stationery here in the office). again, it proved to be an inspired choice (the post-it, i mean) because i pasted it onto my laptop. heheheh.

however, my urge to do something urbandub is yet to be satisfied, so i'm doing the next step: posting the lyrics. just for posterity.

great moments they pass by
if you’re careless
desperately trying to speak the words
i’ve been wanting to say for a long time.
tongue tied, every time i try to talk to you
in time, i’ll find the right line

caught a glimpse of you
i tremble every time you walk by
hopelessly trying to find a way
to be near you, to get near you.
in my mind, plays thoughts of you all the time
i’ll find the right line…

i’ll bleed for you
like a new tattoo in my heart
you’ll stay permanent…

am i too late now?
will i find a way to get to you somehow?
she’s breaking me down again
she’s breaking me down

-- urbandub, a new tattoo

courtesy of

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